About Bernews Network

Known for our reliability, live updates, breaking news coverage, constant innovation, and community coverage, Bernews is a trusted news source, with our 24/7 style creating an around-the-clock readership that provides your campaign with constant exposure.

Entering the arena in 2010 as Bermuda’s first 24/7 news service, Bernews has grown into a 14-time award winning media outlet, the island’s largest provider of online video, and has the largest combined social media presence of all local media, with over 300,000 social media fans.

Providing excellent value for money, we include all ad placements on both the desktop and mobile versions across all eight websites in the Bernews Media Network; appearing on Bernews.com, ForeverBermuda.com, BermudaElections.com, BermudaCovers.com, BermudaCovid.com, BDADay.com, BernewsCupMatch.com, and Bernews.TV.

We offer the same prices on a per view/size basis as social media ads, and advertising with Bernews has the added benefit of supporting a Bermuda company and provision of Bermudian news, data, photos and event coverage.

Bernews is the oldest and largest digital native media in Bermuda with a network exceeding 150,000 pages. Our archives attain millions of views per year, so your ad banner doesn’t just appear on today’s news, it appears on almost 15 years of news, data, photo and video coverage!

Our advertising service is like our news: reliable, fast, and available seven days a week, with every campaign including free graphic design and detailed analytical reports.